
Alexander McMahon

The Caped Author


Dec 2016

Festive Fiction

The holiday season is often a period of joy for many people around the world. My family and I have always celebrated Christmas together, and we get all the relatives we can together for it too. Over time, our gatherings... Continue Reading →

Writing: The Space to Be

For those of you who read my first blog post, you will recall that I mentioned the importance of finding a space that works for you when you write. I feel like this is something that I wanted to reflect... Continue Reading →

The Blurry Genre

We live in a world that can be described rather aptly as inhabiting the Information Age. The world around us is continually being quantified, described, catalogued, organised, indexed, stored, and defined. With such continuing developments, we've seen the emergence of... Continue Reading →

To Understand Understanding

"What is being a Catholic like?" This is a question that I have heard plenty of times, frequently from people who I have met online. They scratch their heads at why I believe what I believe, and assume that it... Continue Reading →

What is a Lever?

If you ever had the chance to go on some kind of youth retreat in school, you would probably have heard of affirmations at some point or another. If you haven't, then think of them like compliments, but ones that... Continue Reading →

How to Write Five Thousand Words in a Day

The first of November seemed for all the world to be a day like any other. For me, however, it was anything but. I was on the edge of my seat, writing as fast as I could to get started... Continue Reading →

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