
Alexander McMahon

The Caped Author



The Hidden Cost

I had a productive day today. Productive, in that I've crossed off just about everything on my daily checklist. I've made lunch for the work week ahead. I've done some writing. I exercised. I practised both ukulele and singing. I've... Continue Reading →

The Oldest Adversary

The title of this blog post reads a little like a short story. All my blog posts are stories, in a sense. They're personal, and true as far as I can tell. This post is a little complicated, because it's... Continue Reading →

A Novel Undertaking

Perhaps the most regular thing about this blog has been the fact that I have constantly been given over to unplanned hiatuses (hiatii?), in spite of the huge help that this writing so often is to my life as a... Continue Reading →

At Short Notice

What's this? Another blog post in just two days? Has the whole world gone mad? Has Alex gone mad? Probably. I'm writing because of the added inspiration that I've had these last few months. I've been writing more than ever,... Continue Reading →

Saturday’s Call

So my slump, my writer's block, if you will, just ended. As I start writing this, it's 11:19pm, 10th August. As someone who's long been a mild insomniac, the prospect of being up all night is something I'd prefer to... Continue Reading →

Committed to Commitment

My uncle once told me that he doesn't like telling people that he's a busy person. In his line of work, if he says that to people, then he is concerned that they'll try to avoid 'bothering' him, or muddle... Continue Reading →

The Write Way

I love puns. I hope you don't mind the title. If you've read a lot of my blog posts, you'll know that I love playing with words in different ways. The write way. The right way. I consider myself to... Continue Reading →

The First

I’ve been listening to a podcast these past few months, made by a group of writers, poets, and artists from Canada and the United States. I wanted something to expand my mind, and it didn’t disappoint. It’s a show called…... Continue Reading →


It’s been a while. I know. I could just say I’ve been busy, but how many of us are really that busy when we drop some of the things we love most? I mean… realistically I did have time. I... Continue Reading →

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