
Alexander McMahon

The Caped Author



The Hidden Cost

I had a productive day today. Productive, in that I've crossed off just about everything on my daily checklist. I've made lunch for the work week ahead. I've done some writing. I exercised. I practised both ukulele and singing. I've... Continue Reading →

The Write Way

I love puns. I hope you don't mind the title. If you've read a lot of my blog posts, you'll know that I love playing with words in different ways. The write way. The right way. I consider myself to... Continue Reading →

The First

I’ve been listening to a podcast these past few months, made by a group of writers, poets, and artists from Canada and the United States. I wanted something to expand my mind, and it didn’t disappoint. It’s a show called…... Continue Reading →

Tolerably Intolerant – Part Two

I almost wondered whether this second half was worth posting at all, but I can’t help but release the painful pressure in my heart. This is something I need to talk about and I can’t delay it any longer. My... Continue Reading →

Tolerably Intolerant – Part One

Preface: I wrote the majority of this in a feverish haste and it quickly became far longer than a single blog post. Since I cannot help but feel that this topic is too important to ignore, I have opted to... Continue Reading →

All You Need Is…

Love, right? A popular song. For a long time, I believe that the lyrics of that song were unquestionably true. I wanted to believe so badly that love was all you needed to make the world a better place. I... Continue Reading →

It’s a Fine Line

Hey everyone. It's been two weeks since my last blog post. I'm still busy. I'm still a little too stressed, a little too tired and a little too overwhelmed. Oh, but I feel fine. Just fine. I should provide some... Continue Reading →


I love my TAFE class. They're a great bunch of people and they really allow me to be myself. For some context, I often make a point of not talking about anything too deep with people unless I've known them... Continue Reading →

Between Middles

There are many types of logical fallacies, most of which I'll probably get around to explaining or mentioning before long. Of particular importance to today's topic is the 'golden mean' fallacy, also known as the fallacy of moderation. In case you're... Continue Reading →

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