
Alexander McMahon

The Caped Author



A Vocal Void

In today's world there is much that demands my negative attention. Climate change. The rising tide of nationalism across the western world. Impending ecosystem collapse. Mass extinction. These are existential threats. They seem to exist as issues that are at... Continue Reading →

Energy vs Extroversion

I've often had people comment on my talkative, oftentimes loud nature. I do consider myself to be a sociable person. I rarely have too much trouble talking to strangers, whether it be over the phone or in person. I'm not... Continue Reading →

Counting Change

Change isn't always something that we can see happening. Parmenides of Elea, one of the oldest recorded philosophers in western history, denied the very concept that anything in the world was changing. He argued that all change was just an... Continue Reading →

Learning How to Heal

A year ago, there was an ending. It was the end of a five month relationship. The mutual agreement on this made it no less difficult, and yet, I can only find most every aspect of that relationship to be... Continue Reading →

A Game of Numbers

I've never been particularly concerned about my weight. I say particularly because it's hard to not have some degree of self-criticism, some degree of comparison with one's own imperfect body and the 'ideal', whatever the latter may be. Many of the people... Continue Reading →

Trial Treatment

I'm very hard on myself. This is something that those who have not known me for very long may not be aware of. I'm self-critical, obsessive, and struggle to give myself apologies or excuses. It's because I'm something of a... Continue Reading →

The Weary Way

I'm tired. I guess that's part of growing up, of being an adult and taking on responsibilities. As part of this maturation process, we find more and more to do. Ways to make money. Ways to self-improve. Ways to give... Continue Reading →

Committed to Commitment

My uncle once told me that he doesn't like telling people that he's a busy person. In his line of work, if he says that to people, then he is concerned that they'll try to avoid 'bothering' him, or muddle... Continue Reading →

The First

I’ve been listening to a podcast these past few months, made by a group of writers, poets, and artists from Canada and the United States. I wanted something to expand my mind, and it didn’t disappoint. It’s a show called…... Continue Reading →

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